And I thought I'd have nothing to post today. Flying this bish isn't very easy. The slightest movement of the controls makes a big difference. Unfortunately, when you combine that with its awkward shape and light weight, then add the draft that its own propeller is creating, you pretty much get an uncontrollable floating expletive. Pretty fun for 10 bux tho. Looks like you can get at least three or four ~5 minute flight sessions on a set of batteries.
Jebus, 2013 already. So many things that were long ago seem like they happened only yesterday, while it feels like ages since some more recent events. Is it random mind tricks or some good reason, I wonder. Anyway, here's hoping for all the bad to stay in the past and only good for the coming year.

There's this uneasy feeling I have lately about my job, though. I've been contracting for over two years now, and usually companies aren't big on keeping contractors for that long. Will they take me on as a regular employee? A perhaps equally as important question is: Will they keep me around until after the hiring freeze is over? :)

I'm kinda rambling here a bit, but it's the first post so I'm trying to fill it up a little bit and get an idea of what everything will look like. I'm hoping to post any projects or ideas that I'm working on here, regardless of how simple or tedious they might be. You know the saying, one man's trash is another man's garbage.